Timberline Health and Fitness

Timberline Health and Fitness

111 Loofborrow Street
Rushville, NE 69360

This fitness center has free weights, weight machines, and a cardio room. Various Classes are also available. Single memberships are available for $30/month or $330/year.  Read more »

Sheridan County Courthouse

Sheridan County Courthouse

Organized in 1885, Sheridan County named Rushville as its county seat in 1888. The county initially rented office space. In February 1904 the county board received a petition calling for a special tax to build a courthouse. Sheridan County officials built as costly and elaborate a courthouse as they could afford; it was completed in 1904.  Read more »

Gourley’s Opera House

Gourley’s Opera House

The one-story, false-front building listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was constructed by Dave Gourley in 1914. The opera house has a raked floor and retains the original opera chairs. A wooden floor found in the basement was purportedly used for dances and roller skating. The opera house was later used for motion pictures and was known as the Plains Theater.  Read more »

Rushville Historical Marker

Rushville Historical Marker

The city of Rushville began as a settlement called Rush Valley, two miles north of its present location, in 1884. Buffalo grass pastures west of the Sandhills provided good grazing, but were too short for hay. The natural meadows along Rush Creek induced settlement in the area. Two stores a mile apart were established in the valley,  Read more »

Smith Lake

Smith Lake

Smith Lake is located 27 miles south of Rushville on Highway 250. It has a concrete boat ramp and dock, a primitive campground and picnic area. You can visit Smith Lake for fishing in the summer or winter. You can go for hunting, bird-watching, camping or you can go to experience one of the most scenic and remote highways in the Panhandle.  Read more »

Rushville City Park

Rushville City Park

302 West Second Street
Rushville, NE 69360

The city park in Rushville covers approximately 25 acres and has an indoor swimming pool, baseball field, football field, softball fields and picnic area. A walking trail and playground afford safe family fun.  Read more »

Plains Theatre

Plains Theatre

208 E 2nd Street
Rushville, NE 69360

The Historic Plains Theatre was erected in 1914 by prominent Rushville businessman, David Gourley, and became the Gourley Opera House. At the time it was built the theatre was one of the most modern such establishments in the western half of the state. The upstairs was later converted to a movie theatre and the downstairs was used as a dance hall/roller rink.  Read more »

Barrel House

Barrel House Liquor

215 West 2nd (Highway 20)
Rushville, NE 69360

Complete stock of your favorite beer, wine, and spirits  Read more »